Showing posts with label Rev. Edward H. Schlueter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rev. Edward H. Schlueter. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Pigsty

The children egged him on to use the leather belt on them?  and they laughed?  I hear nervousness in their laughter, their hands twisting tighter to the napkin in their hands, their eyes finding the floor or the corner of the ceiling, where, if they looked long enough they could hypnotize themselves away from the pain.  These are the Rev. Weed's words above.  a look into the 'good' father's doings at night, under cover of darkness.  

I read into these words and fill the night air with whacks and cries, and the chosen child that would not feel the full sting of the belt, but the greasy caress of the 'good father's hands as he leads the chosen child to kneel and keep the 'good father' company at his nightly prayers.  

you do know that the god is only present when two or more pray together?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cornwall farm and outfall

Schlueter's Camp to Close! the link will bring you to the July 2012 edition of the Cornwall Chronicle.  Trinity Church of New York has been running it as a conference center; but, has decided to close the camp valued at an estimated $6,000,000.  Trinity has not decided whether or not to sell the property.  There's a lot of bad  karma and tears buried in the earth, the stone, the timbers.  Lots of good memories for some, thank God, but for other's the memory is bound in shame, silence.

The man that would model manhood, raise them up in the way they should go, was also the man that held the family sustenance, the young boys' hopes and dreams within his hands.  I know he is the man that led my grandfather, guided him to Storr's, and eventually steered him west (which was also Father Huntington's unfulfilled dream) to the Wheelock School in Oklahoma, then Pine Ridge North Dakota, then back to New York, eventually to arrive in Manchester. Schlueter followed my family through these changes, making visits I am told (perhaps enforced time away from the parish to consider changing his pedophile ways).  He would eventually retire to Rockport MA, just a few miles from my grandparents.  Close tabs and cover were provided through his infiltration of our family.

The legacy of the "Good Father Schlueter" within my family? multi-generational violence, disintegration of family, post traumatic stress disorder, a father that raped and beat every one of his children.

I often wonder how many other families still feel the repercussions of this man's actions.

Gramps loved the farm, if not the man that raped him.

hard words, hard thoughts.  so be truth.  where there be any error, may i learn.

on the upside:  That piece of property would make a terrific artist retreat center.

may there be grace and mercy, best

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Revision: The "Priest who in his day pleased his God"

A journal, colored turquoise dated 1996 has the following entry, a re-cap of a conversation with Gladys :  You might write.  one day you should dig into all of those journals and write.  further notes to self in December 1996:  "start any where, just start and keep putting down words."

the link will take you to the St. Luke's Church photo site.  under the historical photo album you will find the 'much loved' "Father Schlueter".  His face belongs on the mug shot.

January 24, 2010:  the link no longer works. you may no longer get his mugshot.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Retirement: The Vicar of St. Luke's

Time Magazine: "Religion: Vicar of St. Luke's

a brief history of The Reverend Edward H. Schlueter's 40 years at St. Luke's in Greenwich Village, New York.

The winged bull is the 'logo' of St. Luke's.  St. Luke, the 'Beloved Physician", patron saint of artists.  I'm an artist, have never felt any affiliation with St. Luke as patron saint.  St. Luke's is where my grandfather's generation grew up, under the familial associations and direction of  "Father" Schlueter (pronounced Schleeter.  last name meaning:  the keeper of the keys, locksmith).

the following link takes you to the school's website.
a brief history of St. Luke's Chapel and school,

January 24, 2012:  The link to Time Magazine used to open to the full article.  it no longer does, unless you are a Time Magazine subscriber, you will only be able to read the first few lines. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Research: Chapel of St. Joseph and the Angels

Chapel of St. Joseph and the Angels.  aka 'the Schlueter chapel' in West Cornwall Connecticut
this photo is the copyright Nori Muster, published in 2007.  placed here by her permission.

she links to the Trinity Conference Center.  the place (the conference center) seems to have lost it's spiritual essence.  i wonder if they kept Schlueter's chapel.

Page 195

the snippet above is found on the following link.