Wednesday, February 8, 2012

my good workplace january 2011

100_4499 by debclarke art
100_4499, a photo by debclarke art on Flickr.
trying to grab this pic, so i can add it to a facebook file. flickr won't allow me to download my pic. so, this is an experiment.  some of my communication tools because sometimes words don't come easily.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Schlueter rhymes with Peter means: keeper of the keys

in his own words Schlueter would one Easter Sunday preach:  "I hold the keys...".   the good keys that I have put to use for this art series come from my dear friend Nancy's dad "Norm".  these are good keys.  they are of good purpose, put to good use.  in their time.  i love that they were gifted to me.  Before putting these good keys to use i prayed:  to my use and thus to thy glory.  and under grace in perfect ways.

Key #1
heh.  the ford key in the middle?
schlueter would travel to europe on a vessel newly equipped to carry automobiles across the ocean.  two young men, later teens? early 20's? Howard C. (?) and Albert Sefton drove Schlueter throughout Europe,
this is 1929.  attested to through his diary, which is in my possession.

Key #2
Howard and/or Al served Schlueter at the altar; particularly the morning mass.  Schlueter was a priest, under vows to observe the hours.  He was priest; he could not transubstantiate the bread/wine unless he was served.  What?  he couldn't even consecrate a cup to his own salvation.  gramps would tell me:  he was all ritual, form.


PS:this truth written through me was shipped January 31st to the Sketchbook Tour 2012.  Will be in Lynn MA in July!

check it out:  Debbie Clarke.  theme:  Villains and Heroes. scraps in a pouch with enigmatic inferences/references.