Tuesday, January 24, 2012

begin by beginning

have spent the morning sorting keys and transferring the shapes to glass, along with photocopying some of schlueter's words.  i'm working with a theme of 'heroes and villains' for my sketchbook project.  where to begin?  from the man's own words i find the solution to difficulties of beginning is to begin.  the words of beginning that head this blog came straight out of one of my journals from the therapy years.  i counseled myself:  'just begin.  begin anywhere.  begin in the middle, begin at the end, just begin.' this in reference to opening the way to this art, this telling of the story of multi-generational, systemic abuse.

and so i have.

above:  'keeper of the keys'  detail from a work in progress.  the keys quiver and quake the closer i get to source.  and this is fodder for the redaction in progress.

Bless, oh Lord, this food to our use; and thus to thy Glory.
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen'

a blessing learned  at the table.  spoken by gramp. gramp's
would later tell me:  He was very High Church, you know.  there were lots
of prayers.  remind me to tell you about his runny nose dripping into the communion cup.
  much later, i would offer the cup of salvation.  i was transfigured...felt it and was
witnessed by the Eucharistic minister.  i was in discernment, then.  she thought i would want
to be an Episcopal minister.  no.  full circle.  a grounding.  a reclaiming.  a consecration.